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TruCPR™ Coaching

Truecpr Coaching
TruCPR™ Coaching Device

TruCPR™ Coaching Overview


The best outcomes demand the best CPR. Simple enough to say, but in the heat of a cardiac resuscitation, accurately assessing CPR performance—even knowing your true chest compression depth and rate—can be anything but easy. And in your world, the constant drive for performance improvement makes the challenge of measuring CPR quality more critical than ever.

The TrueCPR™ Coaching Device is designed to optimize the quality and performance of manual CPR providing simple, accurate feedback to rescuers in both real time and after the event. TrueCPR accurately measures compression depth on compliant surfaces and in moving vehicles using a unique technology called Triaxial Field Induction.The result is a clearer picture of resuscitation performance—during compressions, after CPR, and in post-event review—and the power to help improve it for the future.

About the TruCPR™ Coaching Device

High-quality feedback at every stage
Prompt, effective and consistent with minimal interruptions. That’s the level of CPR every responder and clinician wants to deliver. It’s also a major focus of the 2010 AHA Guidelines and ERC Guidelines, which recommend developing a culture of high-quality resuscitation and quality improvement, including measurement, benchmarking, and establishing a feedback loop for response teams. TrueCPR can be a vital part of your improvement efforts, providing critical feedback for assessing CPR quality both during and after a resuscitation event.

During chest compressions
TrueCPR shows a CPR provider exactly how they’re doing, right where they are looking—at the patient’s chest. Compression depth and rate are displayed in real time on a highly visible dial. In addition, a CPR metronome and ventilation prompt helps guide responders to deliver compressions per Guidelines-recommended rates.

Immediately after an event
Important summary statistics such as average rate, percentage of compressions at the correct depth, hands-on time, and total event time are displayed on the easy-to-read TrueCPR dial and provide a snapshot of event performance.

Report generator
Post-event summary data from the TrueCPR device is available through the TrueCPR Report Generator. After device use, CPR data can be downloaded via a USB cable to your computer. The TrueCPR Report Generator provides you with a summary report including:

  • Average depth 
  • Average rate 
  • Compression fraction 
  • Longest pause 
  • Visual overview of the compressions with indication of pauses

Post-event review and debriefing
TrueCPR captures up to 180 minutes of CPR information, which can easily be assessed with Physio-Control data review software to help evaluate overall performance and establish a critical team feedback loop for continuous CPR improvement.

True depth measurement
TrueCPR is the only CPR feedback device that uses Triaxial Field Induction (TFI), a proprietary technology from Physio-Control. During CPR, TFI uses three-dimensional magnetic fields to pinpoint the distance between two objects—the chest pad and the back pad—to accurately measure chest compression depth and provide high-quality feedback in real time. And because we know the chest pad won’t always be directly above the back pad during resuscitation events, TrueCPR is designed to compensate for inexact alignment and still accurately measure compression depth.

Unique in the market
Most CPR-assist devices available today use an accelerometer to measure compression depth, but studies have shown that these devices overestimate chest compression depth on compliant surfaces, leading rescuers to provide compressions that are too shallow. However, TrueCPR utilizes our proprietary TFI technology, which has been shown to provide accurate feedback on compliant surfaces and guide rescuers to perform deeper compressions. 

Accelerometer-based devices can also be inaccurate during transport. In fact, some manufacturers’ user manuals explicitly state that their devices should not be used when a patient is moving. Because TrueCPR is designed to work in the environments rescuers work in every day, it has been tested and shown to be accurate during in-motion scenarios.